Add New Website to Account

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  • thessalonian
    Private First Class

    • Feb 2011
    • 7

    Add New Website to Account

    Hello, I am trying to figure out how to add a new website. I currently own I have been inactive with this site for some time, but am not ready to close it up.

    I am however in the process of creating an online store that has nothing to do with my first site. I have registered th domain name with vodahost.

    Is it possible to make this my main site with cPanel? Or how do I add this to cPanel as a completely seperate site so that I can add to it soholaunch (I have read that that will be the best software with which to make my ecommerce site)?

    I thought I needed to make it an add on domain, but it seemed to just integrate this into my first site when I looked on FTP. I dont quite understand the difference between subdomains, addon domains, or parked domains.

    If anything, perhaps, I would more or less close down, without completely deleting it.
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: How to add a new website to my cpanel account

    There is no way to "more or less close down" your main Hosting Account Domain website without making it dysfunctional, and to do that (make it unusable and unable to be seen by Visitors) you can:
    1. simply delete the "index" page -- or replace it with some sort of single-page disclaimer for Visitors to read if they happen upon it;
    2. Forward the Domain to another website, blog, etc. so Visitors will seamlessly arrive at a pre-selected destination;
    3. Delete the DNS entry for the Domain, rendering it back to a "Parked" status and not processing it to any website URL.

    And, there is no way to "switch" the Main Domain associated with your Account as it was established, and it really does not matter if the Domain is active or not -- it simply will function or it will not, depending on if the Domain remains registered and DNS "pointed" to the account, and whether or not there is a website there to present.

    You will for your newly purchased Domain follow the Tutorial outlines in creating an Add-On Domain and properly making DNS entries via Enom (the VodaHost provider) to "point" to this new Add-On Domain added to your single Personal Hosting Account.

    And, it is to this Add-On Domain that you can (via cPanel > Fantastico) auto-install the one installation of Soholaunch each hosting account is permitted.

    >> Create an Add-On Domain

    Tip on Add-On Domain and Sub-Domain Basics

    >> DNS Change Tutorials

    >> cPanel Tutorials

    >> Complete Video Tutorial Library
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
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