Thank you message page, php code, Paypal button

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  • KP2008

    • Dec 2007
    • 11

    Thank you message page, php code, Paypal button

    client #19748

    1. Thank you message page problems. Have tried creating the thank you message page but cannot complete. Do I have to pause the tutorial and then "rewrite" the long code that I view in the tutorial in order to then "copy" it to the php code to accomplish this? The tutorial is very confusing to me.

    2. I may have a few forms on my site that will ask for the user's email address...Do I have to create a thank you page each and every time I create a form that asks for the customer's email address?

    3. I am selling a single product on my site...I understand setting up the paypal account...what I do not understand is...when a customer selects the paypal payment button (after completing the order form), does the completed order form get sent to paypal for their viewing of the item(s) ordered?
  • Watdaflip
    Major General

    • Sep 2005
    • 2116

    Re: Thank you message page, php code, Paypal button

    1) The code should be below the tutorial for you to copy and paste, scroll down a little.

    2) You can use the same thank you page (Assuming you want the thank you message itself to be the same)

    3) I assume you are wanting the order form emailed to you. You will have to have them submit the form before they click the button to go to paypal. Otherwise they are just going to enter the information, and click a link that directs them to paypal without doing anything to the information they entered

    Hope that helps

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