Control Access By Time??

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  • bcw757
    The Bowling Alley Guy

    • Apr 2005
    • 106

    Control Access By Time??

    Is there a script, that will look to see what time it is on the server, and at a certain time, use one set of code, and at another time use another set of code?

    Example. Because our center is not open 24 hours a day, on my webcam pages, it would be cool if I could get them to display,

    Sorry We're Closed

    Instead of pulling up the JavaClient for the webcam. I know this is beyond tech support, was just wondering if there was a way...
  • bcw757
    The Bowling Alley Guy

    • Apr 2005
    • 106

    Figured this out if anyone wants to know.

    Make sure you are creating a .php page with BVoda

    // Get Time
    $now = localtime(time(), 1); ?>
    // Check if current hour is between 23:00 (11:00 PM) and 10:59 AM
    if ((intval($now['tm_hour']) > 22) || (intval($now['tm_hour']) < 11)) {
    // Output is Closed
       echo '<center> <FONT style="FONT-SIZE:12pt" color="#FF0000" face="Arial"><B>WebCam Operates Only Between the hours of<br>11am - 11pm est</B></FONT> </center>';
    else {
    // Output Webcam
    '<*****T CODE="SimpleCam*****t2.class" CODEBASE="local IP:8080/" WIDTH="320" HEIGHT="240">
    <PARAM NAME="SERVER" VALUE="Local IP Address">
    <PARAM NAME="PORT" VALUE="8080">
    <PARAM NAME="URI" VALUE="/video">
    } ?>


    • VodaHost
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      well done


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